Kushal Yuva Program
KYP:- The Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM) has launched a unique skill training programme by the name of "Kushal Yuva Program" which would enhance the employability Skills of all aspirants…
Education is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. These aims may include the development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty. Various researchers emphasize the role of critical thinking in order to distinguish education from indoctrination. Some theorists require that education results in an improvement of the student while others prefer a value-neutral definition of the term. In a slightly different sense, education may also refer, not to the process, but to the product of this process: the mental states and dispositions possessed by educated people. Education originated as the transmission of cultural heritage from one generation to the next. Today, educational goals increasingly encompass new ideas such as the liberation of learners, skills needed for modern society, empathy, and complex vocational skills.
-Skill Sector
KYP:- The Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM) has launched a unique skill training programme by the name of "Kushal Yuva Program" which would enhance the employability Skills of all aspirants…