
The mouse is a hand-held input device which is used to move cursor or pointer across the screen. It is designed to be used on a flat surface and generally has left and right button and a scroll wheel between them. Laptop computers come with a touchpad that works as a mouse. It lets you control the movement of cursor or pointer by moving your finger over the touchpad. Some mouse comes with integrated features such as extra buttons to perform different buttons.

The mouse was invented by Douglas C. Engelbart in 1963. Early mouse had a roller ball integrated as a movement sensor underneath the device. Modern mouse devices come with optical technology that controls cursor movements by a visible or invisible light beam. A mouse is connected to a computer through different ports depending on the type of computer and type of a mouse.


माउस को Pointing Device या Cursor Moving Device के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. माउस के द्वारा बिना कीबोर्ड के भी कंप्यूटर को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं. 

माउस से कर्सर को इधर – उधर Move कर सकते हैं और किसी ऑडियो, विडियो पर क्लिक करके उसे Play कर सकते हैं. 

माउस में तीन बटन होते हैं Left Key, Right Key और Middle Key. 

Left Key के द्वारा कंप्यूटर में किसी Icon, File, Folder को Select और Open करते हैं. जब Left Key को दो बार Press करते हैं तो उसे Double Click कहते हैं. 

Right Key क्लिक करने से कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन पर Sub Menu Open होता है. Right Key एक बार Press करने को Right Click कहते हैं. 

Middle Key इसे Scroll Button भी कहा जाता है इसकी मदद से कंप्यूटर Screen को Scroll करते हैं. यह Left और Right Key के बीच लगा छोटा गोल होता है.

Common types of the mouse:

i) Trackball Mouse:

Trackball mouse

It is a stationary input device that has ball mechanism to move the pointer or cursor on the screen. The ball is half inserted in the device and can be easily rolled with finger, thumb or the palm to move the pointer on the screen. The device has sensor to detect the rotation of ball. It remains stationary; you don’t need to move it on the operating surface. So, it is an ideal device if you have limited desk space as you don’t need to move it like a mouse.

ii) Mechanical Mouse:

Mechanical mouse

It has a system of a ball and several rollers to track its movement. It is a corded type of mouse. A mechanical mouse can be used for high performance. The drawback is that they tend to get dust into the mechanics and thus require regular cleaning.

iii) Optical Mouse:

Optical mouse

An optical mouse uses optical electronics to track its movement. It is more reliable than a mechanical mouse and also requires less maintenance. However, its performance is affected by the surface on which it is operated. Plain non-glossy mouse mat should be used for best results. The rough surface may cause problems for the optical recognition system, and the glossy surface may reflect the light wrongly and thus may cause tracking issues.

iv) Cordless or Wireless Mouse:

Cordless or Wireless mouse

As the name suggests, this type of mouse lacks cable and uses wireless technology such as IrDA (infrared) or radio (Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) to control the movement of the cursor. It is used to improve the experience of using a mouse. It uses batteries for its power supply.

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